Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Stratton, James. (2023). Where did wer go? Lexical variation and change in third-person male adult noun referents in Old and Middle English. Language Variation and Change, 35(2), 199-221.
Stratton, James. (2023). Explicit pronunciation instruction in the second language classroom: An acoustic analysis of German final devoicing. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 9(1), 71-102.
Stratton, James. (2023). Implicit and explicit instruction in the second language classroom: A study of learner preferences in higher education. Unterrichtspraxis, 56(2), 103-117.
Stratton, James. (2022). Intentional and incidental vocabulary learning: The role of historical linguistics in the second language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 106(4), 837-857.
Stratton, James & John Sundquist. (2022). A variationist sociolinguistic analysis of intensifiers in Oslo Norwegian. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 34(4), 385-419.
Stratton, James. (2022). Old English intensifiers. The beginnings of the English intensifier System. Journal of Historical Linguistics, 12(1), 31-69.
Stratton, James. (2022). Tapping into German adjective variation. A variationist sociolinguistic approach. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 34(1), 63-102.
Stratton, James. (2021). 'That's proper cool'. The emerging intensifier proper in British English. English Today, 37(4), 206-213.
Stratton, James. (2020). Adjective intensifiers in German. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 32(2), 183-215.
Stratton, James. (2020). A diachronic analysis of the adjective intensifier well from Early Modern English to Present Day English. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 65(2), 216-245.
Stratton, James. (2020). Fiction as a source of linguistic data: Evidence from television drama. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics, 10, 39-58.
Stratton, James. (2018). The use of the adjective intensifier well in British English: A case study of The Inbetweeners. English Studies, 99(8), 793-816.
Stratton, James. (2018). The use of the generic masculine, the derivational suffix -in and gender-fair innovations in unrehearsed spoken dialogue in Modern Standard German. Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis, 23(1), 1-52.
Peer-Reviewed Handbook Chapter
Peer-Reviewed Volume Chapter