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International Conference Presentations

Germanic and Historical Linguistics

"Intensifiers in Swabian German: changes in social meaning across the lifespan". Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference  (GLAC-30), April 2024. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


"Where did wer go? Searching for s-curves in lexical change from Old English to Middle English". International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL-26), September 2023. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


"Where did wer go? Lexical variation and change in third-person male adult noun referents in Old and Middle English". Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC-29), April 2023. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


"Fei schee - The social meaning of intensifier use in Swabian". Methods in Dialectology XVII, August 2022. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


"Papi, keiner sagt 'astrein' mehr! The linguistic and social correlates of German adjective variation". New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV-49), October 2021. <<abstract>> <<slides>> <<video>>


"Intensifier variation in Norwegian". International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics (NGL-12), June 2021. <<abstract>> <<slides>> 


"War es cool, geil, krass, oder toll? A sociolinguistic analysis of German positive evaluation adjectives". Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC-27), May 2021. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


"Old English intensifiers: A quantitative analysis of the Old English intensifier system". The North American Research Network in Historical Sociolinguistics (NARNiHS), at the Linguistic Society of America Conference (LSA). January 2021. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


“Dealing with historical corpus data: Investigating the adjective intensifier well from Early Modern English to Present Day English”. International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL24).  Canberra, Australia. July 2019. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


"Adjective intensifiers in German". Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC25), Iowa, US. May 2019.

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“Sentential negation in Middle High German: A variationist approach”. The North American Research Network in Historical Sociolinguistics (NARNiHS). Kentucky, US. April 2019. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


“A diachronic analysis of the adjective intensifier well from Early Modern English to Present Day English: A corpus-based study”. 14th American Association of Corpus Linguistics Conference (AACL), Georgia, US. September, 2018. <<slides>>


“A corpus-based analysis of the adjective intensifier proper and well in British English using the BNC1994 and the Spoken BNC2014”. Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar (LxGr18), Liverpool, UK. June, 2018. <<abstract>>


“The spontaneous use of the Generic Masculine: An empirical comparison between German and Swiss speakers of Modern Standard German”. Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC24), Pennsylvania, US. May 11, 2018. <<slides>>


“The modification extension of adverbials in Modern Standard German: An investigation of the adjective intensifiers voll, echt, richtig, saumäßig and gut”. Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC23). Texas, US. April 2017.


“The use of the Generic Masculine in spoken dialogue in Modern Standard German”. Germanic Studies Conference at Indiana University, US. March, 3, 2017.

Teaching Conferences

"Intentional and incidental vocabulary learning: The role of historical linguistics in the L2 classroom". European Second Language Association (EuroSLA-32). Birmingham, England. August 2023. <<slides>>


"Applied historical linguistics. Does historical linguistics have a place in the language classroom". Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC 28). Athens, Georgia. March 2022. <<abstract>> <<slides>>


"Does historical linguistics have a place in the L2 classroom? Teaching German L2 vocabulary". Purdue Linguistics Symposium, West Lafayette, IN. April 2021. <<slides>>


“Linguistics in the classroom: The application of phonetics & phonology in the teaching of German as a foreign language”. Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association (IFLTA), Indianapolis, IN. November 2017. <<slides>>


“The effectiveness of explicit pronunciation training in initial language courses”. Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association (IFLTA), Indianapolis, IN. November 2017.

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